Person-Centered Professional Education On
Developing Your Plan of Studies If you wish
to complete an AMIU Professional studies, please return
to this page and follow the
links found below. Then,
you may design your degree plan and submit it for admission to our
Professional Studies Program. Once you are approved to begin your
studies via distance education, you must ask your
mentor to help you select and organize the degree committee needed to
proceed. The committee member selection process clearly
determines the quality of professional work completed at AMIU.
should select committee members based on their stature in your
profession. In
AMIU's Personal-Centered studies, self-directed,
goal-oriented individuals, who require little
supervision or external motivation, are invited to employ the Socratic
and/or Confucian learning model
and to work with qualified experts who mentor their studies and
research. Resulting graduate degrees are granted only after approved
studies have been
completed and recommended
by a properly constituted professional studies program committee.
For more information please click here to contact a university consultant.
Arrangements can be made with
diverse research centers if a student seeks approval to draw
upon resources or research and investigations opportunities not a part of AMIU. One such center is:
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