Eyewitness Accounts on the Use of Torture
This website leads you to
various links that contain
profoundly moving eyewitness audio accounts
of torture and murder committed in various arenas. The first one given
below is against Guatemalan - principally Mayan
during the 1980’s by the right-wing Guatemalan military, armed and
trained with U.S. tax dollars (the Reagan era) to thwart an alleged
presence of a growing
peasant/leftist movement. Forensic anthropologists question whether the
peasant movement is not in fact been the true rebirth of the Maya
culture, not a challenge to world peace or the internal stability of
Central American countries.
Significant research
efforts are underway in multiple settings in this geographic area. The
subject matter being examined make a profound statement with regard to
more than 200,000
people lost over a 36-year period. We fear ignorance
and/or apathy around the world regarding the foreign policy that made
it possible for such crimes against humanity. To examine eyewitness
results that has been developed courtesy of European journalists and
associated professionals see the Study of
Torture Committed in Guatemala.
Then, to look at the ugly
affects within the Bush declared War on Terrorism click on The Torture
Question for an analysis its use in the US War
attributed to US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. These accounts were
carried out under the leadership of US General Miller allegedly aided
by a cadre of mental health professionals who perfected the torture
measures in the Guantanamo Bay prisons and leap frogging that capability
to Iraq's Abu Ghraid and Afghanistan prisons; Front Line's report shows
us when it was not feasible to carry out torture and abuse under US
directions prisoners were secretly flown to Morocco and Pakistan.
Torture at Any
Time Is Repugnant
No doubt the use of
torture against anyone is repugnant. Until Presidents Ronald Reagan and
George W. Bush gave the authority to commit torture by Executive
Orders, the United States fought its use and demanded respect for the
Geneva Conventions mandating principles will be followed. Like
indictment of Henry Kissinger - the former US Secretary of State,
ex-Chilean Dictator Pinochet, mainland China's ex-Premier Jiang Zemin
who tortured 25,000 Falon Gong and remains under Court reviews,
grave rebuke seems in order for those who set the course for these ugly
periods in history.
[ "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke ]