the Board of Directors continues to grant certificates but
suspended its degree granting role in January 2008. It invites
professionals to join them in a series of efforts designed to rise
again from the ashes and to grow both a faculty with renown stature and
students and scholars coming from all walks of life.
Degrees and
Certificates offered:
- Ph.D., Post Doctorate and Masters degrees through a
person-centered graduate school.
- Approved Continuing Education Course Certificates from the School
of Continuing Education
- End of Program Certificates for Travel Study Projects
- End of Course Certificates for Leisure Studies
Ways to Short
Cut the Process for Converting a Career Development Plan to a
Graduate Degree Plan
If one wishes to pursue a graduate
degree, it is helpful to find the
shortest route to your degree by:
- Designing
that master’s,
Ph.D. or
post-doctoral degree, always concentrating on a chosen career path.
- Asking a
consultant or mentor for
assistance to formulate a plan that fits one's needs and expectations,
and is grounded in what faces you in your work, in your
profession, or in your leisure or associated aspirations.
- Hammering
out an individualized plan
that details what you the scholar expect to learn and how your faculty
may confirm you the student digested and benefited from the equivalent
of 32 subject matters as might be faced at a traditional
institution, which grants a Ph.D.
Some minimum
AMIU requirements:
- Individualized and independent
degree plans will include sufficient
studies to be recognized as a major, with minor interdisciplinary
studies that contribute to the student
being prepared to serve in a selected profession. Degrees will be
granted for learners who are admitted via
one of two university admission approaches where the field of
specialization is:
- Determined by the student based on long term plans
- Determined via an interaction
between the prospective
student and a career
development adviser who assists the student making their career
- Graduate
students are urged to pursue select field(s) of study via some
combination of surveys, research, analysis, seminars, course work,
independent study, and/or a thesis/dissertation that you individually
developed. Each student is encouraged to systematically formulate and
convert their career development plan
into a degree plan that meets our university requirements; and the plan
or changes thereto must be stamped as approved.
The scholar should work closely with a mentor of record and, specify
they wish to benefit from studies or research underway at AMIU, of the
faculty allied with
AMIU and of courses or research which they completed in full at another
graduate school.
- Since scholar’s goals,
interests and needs are different, every AMIU masters or doctoral
degree will be uniquely
related to the learner's career development plan rather than to
derived university requirements. No masters or doctoral candidate may
escape the compelling requirement for
work to be done at the
highest of intellectual standards, as each must honor academic
- Because AMIU
requires rigorous scholarly work
before any masters,
Ph.D. or post-doctoral degree is awarded, both the degree plan
and the
work done must be passed on, signed and accepted by the head of a
graduate committee.
- AMIU reserves the right to decline any request
that involves spurious credibility or a request that makes the costs
prohibitive, not
giving a reasonable return on the University