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           Humanitarian Projects in Central America &
                    Natural Science Museum On the
                         Guatemala-Belize Border

BJ Institute specializes in Jewelry Making & Lapidary Arts & Crafts - A new concept in Social Services, which
offers  self-supporting programs for progressive countries in Central America. This is possible through sales
of products, services  or donation of articles or equipment to the Institute, without direct aid from any
government, church or corporation.

Six jewelry maker courses may be taken. Students advance at their own pace in six areas of study facilitated by
an experienced jewelry 
professional and pioneering educator - Samuel Bruce.  Mr. Bruce has worked many
physically challenged individuals of all ages from Belize and Guatemala.
To see the five courses of study offered by the BJ Institute, click here. Students may stop once they complete
singular courses or earn certificates for all six courses offered.
Once Guatemala signed United Nations Peace Accords in 1996, B J Institute’s Guatemala-based reforestation
and eco-rehabilitation programs
achieved commendation awards and championed the directed-target project
approach to entrepreneurial growth and

Vast needs exist and are addressed in the interest of Central Americans, the Maya and Reforestation work.

Mr. Bruce invites you to contribute to a Belize-Guatemala Disability & Handicapped Student Scholarship

Fund, which furthers BJ Institute endeavors. Click on The Student Fund so you may obtain particulars on

items needed at the BJ Institute Headquarters via email or snail mail; these are handled by Mr. Bruce on

an as it may be feasible basis as the Institute is rebuilding after an $80,000 fire, which destroyed a most

valuable laboratory used with the Disability and Handicapped Students. Click here or inquire about The

Rebuilding Program, underway since June 2004. Many needed items are on back order due to a lack of funds.


    In 1996, the Institute began a Save the Forest reforestation program. This program is dedicated to

forestry restoration and regrowing eco-systems bashed during  Guatemala's 36-year Civil War. That

War was detrimental to Guatemala directly and indirectly to Belize, Honduras and El Salvador as well.


    For details on what you may do to assist with the Save the Forest Program and/or invest in growing

eight to ten trees or five or ten acres or more, contact Samuel Bruce and his colleagues at BJ Institutes.

Your support for the Save the Rain Forest Program is most welcomed.


    Opening for new reforestation program participants are continuously being groomed just as you'd expect

of raising a new baby. Trees are cared for and new ones planted as old ones pass on.


 Note the Student Fund and the Rebuilding Program links are to be activated soon.

How BJ Institute operates without having outside help or

without charging tuition fees?

BJ Institute has marketed student-made products with the following note attached:                                                                                                                                                                   

      Enclosed is a Gift, Made in Belize, C.A.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

      It is a handicraft produced by BJ Institute, Which Educates

      And Promotes tourist attractions in Belize, C.A.

      This is a new concept for developing careers for the disabled

      BJ Institute provides free job training

      For persons from Belize with disabilities

      These products are sold in major gift shops

      You may buy gifts in places like Belize's National Handicraft Center, etc.

      Your purchases helps support Humanitarian efforts

      Undertaken by BJ Institute Without Direct Financial

      Support from the government of Belize or any foreign aid funds.

      We appreciate your purchase of our products.



Contact Mr. Bruce of BJ Institute at:  Mr. Bruce via email or via snail mail at BJ Institute

Compound, N Arenal Road, Benque Viejo, Belize CA. 


Humanitarian Projects for reducing conflicts of the Belize-Guatemala Border:

In 1993, BJ Institute submitted a settlement proposal to the Belize and Guatemala governments.

The proposal was recognized by Guatemala, though it had continued at the time to maintain

in its Constitution that Belize was its 23rd Department. Below you may confirm the City of

Melchor de Mencos recognized Belize as an independent country in 1995 in a formal

commemorative emblem designed by BJ Institute Director - Samuel Bruce. City leaders of

Melchor de Mencos, Peten, Guatemala made history when they adopted the emblem.

This was a first in 174 years.

Note in this pictoral commemoration that Belize is not shown as partof Guatemala. The commemoration 

 pictured here appears to be a map.


This image was created on bronze at the request of Guatemalan leaders by the BJ Institute director.

Trinkets have been similarly made by the Students and sold. Those sales provided much needed scholarships. 


Many other innovations and Belize-Guatemala border conflict resolutions achieved in this way by BJ Institute

Director and his Colleagues between December 1994 - January 2003, were adopted by the Organization of

American States after it took responsibility for settlement efforts and it opened an OAS border Office February

7, 2003, see The OAS began monitoring dispute settlement efforts along this border.

Moreover, Belize-Guatemala border conflict resolution proposals originated within the BJ Institute have been implemented

by the Organization of American States.                                                                                                                          


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