andragenous studies, Psychological Insensitivity,forensic research, Linking East Asia & Latin America, Iraqi, Muslim Interests,indigenous rights, Maya, Aborigines,distance learning, approved continuing education, rights of the tortured,third world needs, education, violence, trauma,Approved Continuing Education Sponsor, peacemaking, peace activism
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  What We Provide  

American International is an open university with a Graduate School, School of Continuing Education and

Travel Studies Program. We seek to make it feasible for Scholars to comingle with other scholars, with our

faculty and each to take part in ongoing investigations and research. 

  • Principal Diplomas granted are Approved Continuing Education Certicates and Graduate Degrees
  • Principal Certificates granted are for having completed a tour or Travel Study Program
  • Luxurious study experiences come from the School of Negotiation, Leadership, Entrepreneurial
  • Development; but, for the Disabled and Handicapped Maya, it may be a chance to become a jeweler
  • For professionals wanting a post-doctoral degree, we offer you the latitude for designing a unique degree


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 Social Science & Business | Interests, Desires & Needs Form | Share Our Vision 

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